I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Dietrick Bonhoeffer was a German protestant theologian who was important foe his support of ecumenism (unity) and his view of Christianity’s role in the secular world. His slight involvement in a plot to overthrow Adolf Hitler led to hie imprisonment and execution. His Letters and Papers from Prison published after his death is perhaps the most profound document of his convictions.
Dietrick was brought up amid the academic circles of the University of Berlin. He was a gifted pianist and his family through the would study music.To their disappointment, aged just 14, he said he wanted to be a minister and theologian.
Aged 21 he graduated from University of Berlin with a degree in Theology. He spent a short time in Spain being an assistant pastor to a German congregation. He went back to Germany to write a dissertation to earn the right to a university appointment. After a year in the USA he returned to take up the post of lecturer in systematic theology at University of Berlin.
Adolf Hitler and Nazism were coming to the for.
He wrote the Cost of Discipleship in 1937 - a call to a more faithful and radical obedience to Christ. During this time he was teaching pastors in an underground seminary. When it was discovered the Confessing Church became increasingly reluctant to speak out against Hitler. Dietrick to this point had been a pacifist and had tried to oppose Nazis through religious action and moral persuasion.
He decided to become a double agent. He also became involved in a plot to assassinate Hitler. He was never at the centre of the plans but his resistance efforts to help the Jews was discovered. he was taken to Tegel prison.
He spent 2 years in prison. Dietrick corresponded with family and friends, pastoring fellow prisoners and reflecting on the meaning of *Jesus Christ for Today*. In prison he began to outline a new theology.
He was transferred to Buchenwald and then to the extermination camp at Flossenburg. 9th April 1945 , with 6 other from the resistance he was hanged.
10 years later a camp doctor who witness the hanging said ,
I have hardly ever seen a man die so entirely submissive to the will of God. *
Sources used
Britannia Online Encyclopedia
Christianity Today
Great Leaders of the Christian Church edited by John D, Woodbridge
Henry Parry Liddon, also known as H.P. Liddon was an English theologian. He was one of Britain’s greatest preachers. He was Dean Ireland’s Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture at the University of Oxford.
The son of a naval captain he was born at North Stoneham in Hampshire G.B.
he was educated at King’s College school and at Christ Church Oxford. He was first vice-principal at Cuddesdon theological college (1854-9) and then vice-principal at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
In 1864 Walter Kerr Hamilton , the bishop of Salisbury, appointed Henry ar as prebendary (canon) of Salisbury Cathedral.
In 1866 he delivered his Bampton Lectures. on the doctrine of the divinity of Christ. His fame as a preacher was established.
Henry was praised for his grasp of subject, clarity and lucidity, use of illustration, vivid imagination, elegance of diction, and sympathy with the intellectual position of those he addressed.
1870 made canon of St. Paul’s Cathedral. His preaching attracted 1000s. Sermons normally held in the choir stalls were instead preached under the dome. 3000-4000 used to gather to hear his sermons.
Being dean at Oxford and canon at St. Paul’s gave him extensive influence over the Church of England.
In 1882 he resigned and travelled to Palestine and Egypt. In 1886 returned to St. Paul’s as chancellor. He declined more than one offer of a bishopric.
Henry, with his friend Lewis Carrol, visited Russia to make closer links with the C. of E. and the Russian Orthodox clergy.
Henry died on the 9th of September 1890 at the height of his reputation. He had nearly completed the biography of Edward Bouvirie Pasey, who he admired. (work completed by J. O. Johnson and R. Wilson) after his death.
Henry’s influence during his life was due to his personal fascination and his pulpit oratory rather than his intellect. He was the last, but one,(John Charles Ryle) of the classical pulpit orators of the English church.
He is buried in the chapel of the Order of the British Empire in the crypt of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Henry Emerson Fosdick was a liberal protestant American pastor, teacher and author who was central figure in the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy within American Protestantism in the 1920s and 1930s . He was one of the most prominent liberal ministers of the early 20th century.
He was ordained a Baptist minister in 1903. He was minister at Montclair N.J. from 1904 until 1915. He taught at Union Theological seminary for nearly 40 years (1908-1946).
In 1919 he became associate pastor at th First Presbyterian Church in New York City. Crowds filled the church to hear his sermons but conservative Protestants denounced him modernist. His sermon * Shall the Fundamentalists win ? * on May 21st, 1922 , caused an uproar. It lead to his resignation 3 years later.
Within a few months he was called to the Park Avenue Baptist Church in New York. With the aid of John D. Rockefeller. Jr. as a trustee a larger interdenominational church was built. It was renamed the Riverside Church. Henry was pastor there and preacher on the National Vespers nationwide radio programme for the next 20 years (1926-1946).
Henry’s sermons won him wide recognition. Many of his sermon collections are still in print. His radio addresses were broadcast nationally. He was a prolific author of sermons, articles and books over 60 years. ( see Works -this does not include work he contributed to) )
He is regarded as one of the top 10 preachers of the 20th century.
Martin Luther King placed him first ( see info from King encyclopedia)
More recently Michael Duduit placed him 5th ( see My intro to by William l. Self)
Britannica Online Encyclopedi
The Martin Luther king Research and Education institute
The 10 greatest preachers of the 20th century
William was born at the very beginning of the 20th century. He was never taken to a place of worship until he was 8 years old. Aged 12 a sensitive Sunday school teacher asked him if he wanted to become a disciple of Jesus.* I spluttered out my little prayer. I had one merit . I meant it.*
In his autobiography he wrote * I believe I was born to be a minister I felt the pressure of a directing hand upon me from my tenderest years. *
He fought in the WW1. Army life tested him and deepened him. He did a 4 year course at college. After he was ordained he ministered in Bognor, Colwyn Bay Liverpool and Scarborough attracting large congregations in each place. In 1936 he became the minister at Brunswick Church, Leeds.
The out break of WW11 found him senior minster at Westminster Hall, the cathedral of Methodism. The hall held 3,000 and was full, mornings and evenings for the next 16 years to listen to him preach his 30-45 minute sermons. The basement became an air raid shelter. His family for 5 years lived on the hazardous ground floor - they slept nightly in the smelly men’s washroom. 450,00 found refuge in the basement.
In 1949 William was elected president of the Methodist Conference of Great Britain. His two fold agenda was evangelism and spiritual deepening.
In 1955 he was appointed head of the Home Mission Department of the Methodist Church.
He wrote and published 3 invaluable books on preaching The Craft of the Sermon, The Approach to preaching, Power in Preaching
Numerous engagements on behalf of International Methodism took him around the world and several times to the USA. While lecturing In Texas he had difficulty swallowing and walking. He was diagnosed with progressive muscular atrophy. Towards the end it was even difficult to lift the finger of his right hand. After a two year struggle he died on May 24th 1960.
His life had been to serve one passion *O let me commend my savior to you *
William was one of the top 10 preachers of the 20th century.
Sources used
The 10 Greatest preachers of the 20th century Michael Duduit
oChristian .com
EThos e-theses online sevices
Saint Faith or Saint faith of Conques was said to be a girl or young woman of Agen in Aquitaine. She was the daughter of Christian parents. She was arrested during the persecutions of Christians by the roman Empire. She was told she must sacrifice to the pagan goddess Diana or be executed. She replied she was a Christian and so could not sacrifice to a pagan god. She refused even under torture.
Saint Faith was tortured to death with a red hot brazier. Date of death c.300 AD.
Her behaviour was so brave that it is said several of the onlookers were converted thinking Christianity must be a religion worth dying for if a young girl like Saint Faith could face death with so much courage.
Saint Faith’s life and martyrdom has been recounted in several verse narratives and martyrdoms.
The Revd. Dr. George Campbell was called by many * the prince of espositors . He helped influence the shape of evangelical preaching on both sides of the Atlantic.
He was brought up in Wales. He was unwell as a child and was tutored at Home. D.L. Moody came to England when George was 10. His ministry and the dedication of his parents, father had become a Baptist minister, impressed the young George. Aged just 13 he preached his first sermon: aged 15 he was preaching in country chapels during his Sundays and holidays.
In 1883 he was teaching in Birmingham. In 1886 he devoted himself to preaching and Bible exposition. 1890 saw him ordained as a Congregational minister. The skilled expository preacher served several English congregations.
His reputation grew as a preacher and Bible expositor throughout Britain and spread to the USA. Moody in 1896 invited him to lecture to his students at his Bible Institute. This was the first of 54 visits to the USA to preach and teach.
George’s sermon method was to read the text. Read the text 25-50 times in context The whole book. In context. Only then will you understand the text and be able to preach it.
In 1899, after the death of Moody, he became director of the Northfield Bible Conference. After 5 years he returned to the UK in 1904 to become pastor of Westminster chapel in London (1904- 1919 and 1933-1943). His preaching and weekly Friday Bible classes were attended by 1000s. The church experienced unparalleled growth growth under his leadership.
Between 1919-1933 he taught at Biola, Los Angeles. USA. Where he conducted an itinerant preaching and teaching ministry.
George was also a prolific writer. He wrote about 80 works in his lifetime. There is also a 10 volume set of sermons - The Westminster Pulpit. He even wrote commentaries on the entire Bible. (See list for early of writings)
George retired in 1943. He died aged 81 on the 16th of May 1945 .
Preaching was the supreme passion of his life Martyn Lloyd Jones.
(Incredibly George was rejected for formal ministry because his preaching showed so little potential. In those dark days that followed his father remind him * rejected on earth accepted in heaven.* He put aside all his books except the Book - the BIBLE)
He is regarded as one of the top 10 preachers of the 20th century.
The 10 Greatest Preachers of the 20th century - Michael Duduit
John Robert Walmsley Stott was an English Anglican priest and theologian. He founded the Langham Partnership International (1974) and the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (1982).
John was ordained a deacon in 1945. he went from being a school boy at All Souls Langham Place C.of E. school to becoming first a curate (1945-1950), then rector (1950-1975) at All Souls Langham Place. John remained at the church and was appointed rector emeritus.
He was one of the authors of the Lausanne Covenant in 1974 which had a major influence on how to bring the Gospels to 20th century men. (see notes)
He wrote 50 books - some in Chinese, Korean and Spanish -he had studied modern languages at trinity College, Cambridge.
In 2005 the Time magazine ranked John as being among the top 100 most influential people in the world. He has also been ranked in the top 10 preachers of the 20th century.
When he died tributes came from across the world. His close friend Billy Graham said The evangelical world has lost one of its greatest spokesmen, and I have lost one of my close personal friends and advisors . I look forward to seeing him again in heaven. They had known each other for over 50 years.
John and Billy’s joint work on the Lausanne Covenant established a movement that became a watershed for evangelicals.
I have included the titles for the 15 Lausanne Covenants.
Sources used - wikipedia and lausanne.org
Saint Thomas, the twin, was one of Jesus’ 12 original disciples/apostles.
Saint Thomas is mentioned three times by name in St. John’s Gospel.
He speaks after the resurrection of Lazarus when Jesus talks about going to Jerusalem. Let us also go, that we may die with him John 11 v16
After Jesus has spoken about preparing a place in heaven he says
Lord, we know not whither thou goest;and how can we know the way?
The third time, the most best known time is after Jesus’ resurrection. This is where he is referred to as ‘doubting’ Thomas. He makes a comment that he will not believe Jesus is alive unless he puts his hands physically into the injured holes in the hands,feet and side of his Lord. Jesus appears and invites Thomas to touch him. My Lord and my God . (He is the first to acknowledge his divinity.)
Jesus goes on to say, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believed.
Saint Thomas was presumably at both the Ascension and Pentecost.
Thomas’ subsequent history is uncertain. Tradition holds that he took Christianity to Parthia.
The existence of an ancient Christian community on the Malabar Coast of India suggests that he converted their ancestors but was martyred and buried at Mylapore (now part of Madras)
Another story suggests he converted ruler in the Punjab and was by killed in accident by an archer shooting at peacocks.
Sources used
The Church’s Year Charles Alexander
Britannica Online Encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton
The only recognized authority for the facts of Saint Benedict life is book 2 of the Dialogues of Saint Gregory 1.
He was born of a noble family of Nursia and sent to Rome to be educated. Shocked by the behaviour of Rome he ‘retired’ as a young man to Enfide ((modern Affile) to live as a hermit. He isolated himself in a mountain cave and he daily hauled food up . The food was provided by the monk Romanus. When the fame of his sanctity spread he was encouraged to become an abbot at one of the monasteries.
Here, because of his asceticism (self denial) and tales of being a miracle worker, he attracted disciples. He set up 12 monasteries around the place.
He then abandoned the area - stories of jealousy and an attempt on his life. He moved to southern Italy, towards Naples and established the famous abbey of Monte Cassino.
It was here that he wrote his famous * Rule of Saint Benedict* which contained precepts for his monks. Although known by his name it was influenced by the writings of John Cassian, and showed close affinity with the Rule of the Master.
Even if this is the case Michael David Knowles in ‘Britannica Online Encyclopedia’ says *It was the Rule of St, Benedict, derived from various and disparate sources , that provided for the monastic way of life a directory at once practical and spiritual that continued to force after 1500 years.
It was further developed to offer hospitality, medical, educational and agricultural skills to the world.
Apparently Saint Benedict was never a priest.
He is a patron saint of Europe.
Sources used
Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton
Saint Ignatius was bishop of Antioch when he was sentenced to death in the arena of Trajan. For some reason instead of being executed in his home town of Antioch he was escorted to Rome, in chains, by a company of 10 Roman soldiers.
The ship taking him to Rome hugged the coast and Saint Ignatius, in chains, was received with honour by Christians at each port of call.
He wrote 7 letters on his route to Rome to various committees containing instructions on marriage and theology. It is from these letters, which still exist,
that we know what happened to him. Saint Polycarp befriended Saint Ignatius and collected the letters together and sent them to the church of Philippi.
At some point a single Latin version , based on the original text, was made in England in the 13th century.
Saint Ignatius fate was that he was eaten, by lions, in the Colosseum in Rome.
He was probably alive during Jesus’ life time. There was a tradition in the early church that when he was a boy sat at the feet of Jesus. Whoso shall receive one such a little child in my name receiveth me
Saint Ignatius is considered to be one of the three most important Apostolic Fathers.
Sources used
The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Britannica Online Encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia of Saints Howard Loxton*
According to apocryphal texts Saint Lucy was a virgin who came from a wealthy Sicilian Family.
A suitor who she refused to marry told the Roman authorities she was a Christian. The authorities first of all sentenced her to be placed in a brothel and forced into prostitution. This order, according to legend, was thwarted by divine intervention
She was next condemned to death by fire - but she proved impervious to flames.
Finally her neck was pierced by a sword and she died.
Lots of images show her with a sword in her neck. Other images focus on her eyes. There are two legends. The first she was tortured by having her eyes torn out. Secondly she removed her own eyes and sent them to her suitor. There are many images showing her eyes on a dish.When she was buried her sight is restored.
Saint Lucy is the patron saint of Syracuse (Sicily), for virgins and sight.
She was one of the earliest Christian saints to achieve popularity.
In Sweden St. Lucy’s day marks the beginning of the Christmas celebrations.
The eldest daughter wears a white gown and a crown wreath studded with candles.
Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Saint Vibia Perpetua was a married noblewoman, 22 years of age with an infant. Felicity was a slave and pregnant . Together with three men they were imprisoned.
Perpetua, in prison, is said to have had a dream. She saw a ladder which led from her cell up to heaven. A dragon guarded the foot of it. She spoke to the dragon and he moved his head so she could climb. On reaching the top she found a shepherd with his flock and 1000s of people dressed in white. When she woke up she realized the day of her martyrdom was close, but unafraid, because she would soon be with the shepherd, Jesus in heaven.
They were taken to the amphitheatre in Carthage. Perpetua was tossed and gored by a wild cow and afterwards beheaded.
The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity tells of their deaths. Perpetua was a catechumen - a Christian instructed in the faith but not yet baptised.
The group were executed at the military games in celebration of Emperor Septimius Severus’s birthday.
The Church’s Year Charles Alexander
Saint Vincent was Spaniard who became a deacon under Valerius, Bishop of Saragossa. The bishop had a bad stammer so Vincent was commissioned to preach throughout the diocese and acted as his spokesman.
During the Diocletian persecution he was arrested and imprisoned in Valencia. He was offered his freedom if he would consign Scripture to the fire. He refused and speaking on behalf of himself and the bishop he informed the judge that they were ready to suffer anything for their faith. His outspoken manner so angered the judge that they inflicted all manner of torture on him.
He was stretched on the rack and his flesh torn with iron hooks. His wounds were rubbed with salt and was then burned alive upon a red-hot grid iron. He was then cast into prison where he died. He suffered his torture with such peace and tranquility that his jailer was converted. The elderly Valerius was exiled.
His body was placed in a sack and thrown in the sea. A woman or a group of Christians recovered the body. Legend has it that a flock ravens stopped vultures eating the body.
Saint Vincent became one of the most famous of the early saints.
King Afonso 1 of Portugal had the body of the saint exhumed in 1173 and brought it by ship to Lisbon Cathedral. The transfer of the relics is depicted on the coat of arms of Lisbon.
The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Clarence Edward Noble Macartney was born in Pennsylvania, USA in 1879. His father, John, was a pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Clarence went to the university of Denver (1897-1901) and majored in English Literature. He spent a year in Europe visiting England, Scotland and France. He enrolled at Yale Divinity School but after a term moved on to Princeton Theological Seminary. he graduated in 1905 and opted to seek ordination in the Presbyterian Church USA. He became the pastor at Paterson, New Jersey (1905-1914). In this struggling downtown congregation he breathed new life.
He next became the pastor at Arch Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia (1914-1927). He soon began to broadcast his sermons on the radio and eventually became Philadelphia’s foremost preacher. He also began to give a weekly lecture on homiletics ( creating and delivering sermons) at his former college.
In 1919 Clarence crossed swords with Harry Emerson Fosdick over how the soldiers, when they returned from war, would not be able to accept traditional doctrine Clarence argued that Christian truth was unchanging.
A more famous exchange happened in 1922 between Clarence and Fosdick.
Fosdick preached and published * Shall the Fundamentalists Win?* Clarence responded with Shall Unbelief Win? ( Read relevant paragraph (1914-17))
He next became pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh (1927-1953). Here here the congregation was regularly 1200-1600 in the morning, 900 in the evening on the Sunday, plus a Wednesday evening service. Clarence regularly preached five times weekly. His sermons were turned into books -
Things Most Surley Believed -1930 and *What Jesus Really Taught - 1958.
He wrote a vast number of books -see bibliography.
Clarence was a frequent preacher on college campuses and delivered a number of important lectures. His sermons were painstakingly prepared and delivered with directness and evangelical fervor. He was noted for his imaginative illustrations and his keen insights into the human heart. He was committed to preaching without notes.
Clarence died on 19th February, 1957 at Geneva College.
Michael Duduit refers to Clarence as being a * true homiletical giant .
It is little wonder he puts Clarence in his top 10 of the greatest preachers of the 20th century.
Sources used
The 10 Greatest Preachers of the 20th century. Michael Duduit - The Preacher
Teresa at the age of 21, against her father’s wishes, professed her vows as a Carmelite at the Spanish Convent of the Incarnation at Avilla.
The relaxed rule of the Carmelites began to offend her. But 3 years suffering from a prolonged illness forced her to read books on the spiritual life. The ‘Letters’ of Jerome helped - his strong advocacy of the monastic life for women inspired her to begin again.
By 1540 she was ready to ready to resume convent life but she was partly paraiyzed. For 12 more years she struggled to achieve that perfect love of
In her autobiography* Life* she wrote ’ I voyaged on this tempestuous sea for almost 20 years with these fallings and risings’
Things began to changed when her glance fell on a statute of the wounded Christ.Jesus broke down her defences to reveal the reason for her spiritual exhaustion- her dalliance with the delights of sin.
She broke from her past and under went a final conversion (1555).She dreamed of establishing convents where young women could pursue deep lives of prayer and devotion. In 1559 she had the ‘transfixion’ - a cherub pierced her heart with an arrow leaving her with a burning love of God and an unquenchable desire for his presence.
This led her into reform. In 1563, with the blessing of Pope Paul 1V she opened the reformed Carmelite convent of St. Joseph in Avila. There the Discalced (shoeless) Carmelites would live under her new strict rules. Her reforms required utter withdrawal so the nuns could meditate on divine law and through a prayful life of penance, exercise what she termed ‘our vocation of reparation’ for the sins of humankind.
She convinced John of the Cross to join her in the work. Her success as an administrator and reformer resulted in her founding 16 monasteries.
Rest,indeed! I need no rest; what I need is crosses.
She died, exhausted, on 4th October 1582
Yet it is her gift of spiritual direction, practiced personally with nuns and publicly in her writings for which she is known today. She had to be persuaded to put pen to paper- the results were ’ Life’ her autobiography, ‘Way of Perfection’ - practical advice for her nuns, and ‘Interior Castle’ - a theological treatise.
Her legacy can be seen in Music, paintings, sculpture, literature , drama and film.
Her life and writings restored many of the religious institutions of Spain. The Spanish parliament named her the Patroness of Spain. In 1622 Pope Gregory XV proclaimed her a saint
Teresa of Avila was a major figure in the 16th century movement of Roman Catholic reform.
Differences between Discaled Carmelites and Carmelites
(See enclosed material for more information)
Sources used
Church History
Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Great Leaders of the Christian Church Woodbridge
contribution by Caroline T. Marshall
Born Lotario dei Conti Segni (Lothar of Seghi) Innocent 111 was one of the most powerful and influential of all the popes.
He became pope on the death of Alexander111. He was not the first choice but after just 2 ballots, on the same day the former pope died, he became his successor. He held the post for nearly 18 years.
His significance rests upon the quantity of work he accomplished and his power both inside and outside the church.
Pope Innocent 111 was a careful and frequent correspondent who wrote more than 5,000 letters to bishops, abbots, kings and others. He was involved in missions, crusades ((Fourth crusade 1202-4), efforts to turn back heresy and the education of the faithful.
His work brought him to a position where nearly every crown in Europe- including King John of England and Philip 11 of France - were brought into submission under him.
In 1209 Francis of Assisi sought permission from the pope to found a new order. The pope had doubts but following a dream on 16th April, 1210, the Franciscan Order was founded.
He was central in supporting the Catholic reforms of ecclesiastical affairs through his decretals ( edits of on doctrine or church law) and the Fourth Lateran Council. 15th November 1215 he opened the council. By its conclusion it issued 77 reformatory decrees. It encouraged the creating of schools and holding clergy to a higher standard than laity. The council also reviewed the nature of the Eucharist.
Having been involved with the fourth crusade he was looking forward to the fifth set to start in 1217. He died unexpectedly at Perugia on 16th June 1216. He was buried there until Pope Leo X111 transferred it to Lateran in December 1891
Pope Innocent 111 considered himself God’s representative on earth. More than an ordinary person but less than God.
Robert Green Lee was born in a South Carolina sharecropper’s cabin. he grew up working on a farm. His school, a primitive one room, was a 3 mile walk away. Brought up in a Christian home and through regular Sunday school and church he came to know the Lord.
He briefly worked on the Panama canal. he entered Furman University and graduated with honours in 1913. He married Bula Gentry. He was offered a teaching post but selected the pastorate instead.
*That’s good! God never meant you to dig around Latin roots. He meant you to be a preacher * - Bula
His first ministry was in Lima S.C… As he became widely known larger opportunities arose. After 3 more ministries he end up in 1927 at Believue Baptist Church of Memphis, Tennessee and stayed for the next 33 years. In 1960 he became pastor emeritus. In his ‘retirement’ he travelled the world - 100,000 miles a year,
Robert’s sermons/messages were written in longhand on legal pads. He special attention to his opening statement to make it as effective as possible. His secretary would type out these pages. He would then read the manuscript frequently to master the content. He preached extemporaneously for up to 90 minutes in a white suit.
His most famous sermon PayDay, some Day he preached 1,275 times (See included extract)
He was offered a number of ’ jobs’- presidency of a seminary and a university-he stayed at Believue. He did do 4 terms as President of the Tennessee Baptist convention and 3 as head of the South Baptist convention.
On his last day, 20 th July 1978 his friends sang hymns as he died. ( read R,G, Lee’s ascent to Glory).
During his memorial service outstanding leaders paid tribute to the* peerless pulpiteer / Mr Southern Baptist*.
Peter was the preeminent philosopher of the 12th century and perhaps the greatest logician of the middle ages. In his life time he was equally famous as a poet and a composer, and might have ranked as the preeminent theologian had his ideas earned more converts and less condemnation. In all areas He was brilliant, innovative and controversial. He was a genius and he knew it and made no apologies. His vast knowledge , wit, charm, and even arrogance, drew a generation of Europe’s finest minds to Paris to learn from him.
Peter was originally called ‘Pierre le Pallet’ . He belonged to a minor noble family. He decided to give up a career in the military and his inheritance to become an academic. He wandered throughout France to learn and seek knowledge.He studied under Roscellinus Compiegne, a famous French theologian and philosopher. Peter was determined to bring a fresh approach to theology.
His teaching career began in Melun and Corbeil to the south of Paris. He return to Paris to teach at Notre-Dame and at Mont-Sainte-Genevieve.
It was about this time he met Heloise, the niece of Fulbert, a canon of Notre-Dame. Peter was 37, Helloise 17. He became her tutor, friend, lover and finally husband.Much of their early relationship - the love affair, the elopement to Brittany, the birth of their son Astrolable, a secret marriage followed by the punitive castration of Peter ordered by Fulbert -is recorded in *The Story of My Misfortunes .
He lost his prestige as a teacher and left Paris. Heloise entered the convent of Argentuil (1119). The baby, Astrolable, went to his sister’s.He went to the Saint- Denis monastery for 4 years.
There he wrote ‘Sic et non’ -Yes or No - 158 questions - arranging conflicting patristic opinions around key doctrinal issues- students were eager to resolve. His second theological work ’ Theologia’Summi Boni’ condemned and burnt following a public trial (1121). Peter briefly confined to Abbey of Saint-Medard.
Returned to Saint-Denis and in 1212 released from residency.
Humiliated he sought solitude. Given land he built an oratory at Quincy. Students joined him at his retreat. He modified his teaching and wrote ‘Christian Theology’. He accepted election as abbot of Saint-Guildas but unsuccessful at monastic reform.
He gave his oratory to the convent where Heloise lived .Together they setup a foundation, confirmed by Innocent 11, with Heloise as its first prioress. Peter as co-founder became involved. He wrote down a number of recommendations -
*On the Origin of Nuns and the Rule of Life, Problemata Heloissae, and Expostio in hexaemeron.
He prepared a collection of sermons, prayers, a breviary-a book of psalms and 143 hymns.
Peter’s approach to theology was part of a new mode of thought that brought questions, debate and order to the fore as the science of scared doctrine.
Peter and Heloise are buried together in Paris
Facts for Kids
Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Peter was a Scots-American preacher who was elected to be the 57th Chaplain of the United States Senate in 1947.
He died young (46) in 1949. He is remember because his widow Catherine wrote a moving, biography of his life A Man Called Peter (1951), it rose to the top of the best selling list and turned into a film
Peter’s father died when he was 4. His step-father was an alcoholic so he tried to run away to sea at the age of 14. He was inspired by David Livingstone. When his step-father kicked him out he offered himself for mission work in China.
He had already made a definite commitment to work full time in the Lord’s service. He started night classes but he sometimes failed courses. A cousin suggested going to the USA and he would pay the fare. He prayed for 3 weeks- God meant him to go.
Peter Marshall left Scotland, with a ticket but no money, to emigrate to the USA in 1927. In the beginning he had to dig ditches, no friends and no church.
God sent him an offer to work in Alabama. In a matter of weeks he had a church - the First Presbyterian, recommended as ministry candidate, spoken at a prayer meeting, elected president of the young peoples league, involved with Boy Scouts and the teacher of the men’s Bible class.etc.
He graduated from Columbia Theological seminary in 1931 and became pastor at a church in Covington, Georgia. In 1933 accepted a call to Atlanta’s Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Married Catherine Wood ,aged 23 when he was 35, on 4th November 1936.
1937 became pastor at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church ( also known as Abraham Lincoln’s church) in Washington DC. He launched a new ministry at the historic congregation, a ministry that would reach around the world.
He demonstrated to young and old alike that Christianity can be fun. His sermons, many written with anonymous research by his wife, revealed a rock-ribbed faith, clarity of conviction and a poet’s pen.
During WW11 he drew 1000s each week to the church to listen to his prophetic voice with the soft Scottish burr. Despite 3 services the sanctuary overflowed leaving 100s waiting in long lines hoping for a seat He painted word pictures to convey the gospel message stories. He spoke of his personnel experiences His goal in preaching was always to make Jesus real to people.
Peter never thought his sermons were good enough to publish. Catherine was persuaded by parishioners and publishers to publish them. In 1949 * Mr. Jones, Meets the Master came out with 12 sermons and became a best seller.
To Live again tells of her life after Peter’s and more details about the church.
Catherine married Leodard LeSound, then editor of the 'Guideposts Magazine ’ in 1959. In total she wrote 21 inspirational books. She died in 1983 but her books, carrying Peter and Catherine’s outreach, have sold over 20 million copies.
Sunday, May 29th, 2016 their church celebrated that 80 years earlier
Dr. Peter Marshall and Catherine Marshall had joined them.
Dr. Eli Stanley Jones was an American 20th century Methodist missionary and theologian. For more than 50 years he proclaimed the Gospel of Christ. He was probably the world’s best known and longest tested Christian missionary and evangelist. In 1959 he was named Missionary Extraordinary by World Outlook.
Eli was educated in Baltimore schools and studied law at City College before graduating from Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky. in 1907. He was on the Asbury faculty when he was called to the missionary service in India in 1907.
He was ordained in 1908 as both a deacon and elder. He worked as district missionary superintendent and revival preacher
In India he worked with the lowest castes , including Dalits. He also made friends with many of the leaders and became known for his inter faith work. He spent time with Mohandas K. Gandhi and the Nehru family.He is remembered for his 1000s of inter-religious lectures to the educated classes.
In 1925, while home on furlough, he wrote a report of his years of service - what he had taught and learned in India. The published result was The Christ of the Indian Road - sales reached over one million copies world wide.He wrote other books which became ‘required’ reading at theological colleges.( See long list)
He helped to reconstruct the Indian 'Ashram ’ - forest retreat using the Christian principle of indigenization. He founded a Christian Ashram at Sat Tal in the Himalayas (1930). He went on to preach and hold them in almost every country in the world.
1n 1941 he was a confidant of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Japanese leaders trying to avert war.
After WW11 he launched in the USA the Crusade for a Federal Union of Churches. He held mass meetings from coast to coast and spoke in nearly 500 cities, towns and churches
In 1950 he provided funds for India’s first Christian psychiatric centre and clinic.
He pre-dated the United Nations by 30 years, by his Round Table of Nations.
He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Peace Prize. for his reconciliation work in Asia, Africa and between Japan and the USA. In 1963 he received the Gandhi Peace award.
He travelled among the people’s of the earth, speaking 3 times a day. The years did not weary him, for he was blessed with physical stamina, mental vigor, and God’s grace to sustain him for the rugged schedule he imposed on himself.
December 1971, aged 88, and leading the Oklahoma Christian Ashram he suffered a stroke which seriously impaired him physically but not mentally. He dictated onto tape his last book The Divine Yes. June,1972 he gave from his wheel chair, in Jerusalem, a moving message to the First Christian Ashram World Congress. He died in India on 25th January 1973.
He was truly a* Missionary Extraordinary* I hope reading about Eli Stanley Jones -,’ Brother Stanley’ to his friends, will inspire and encourage you to go the extra mile for our Lord.
Sources used
History of Missiology
United Christian Ashrams